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multicommand uses only the standard library and is ~100 lines of code (modulo comments and whitespace)


Multicommand enables you to easily write CLIs with deeply nested commands using vanilla argparse. You provide it with a package, it searches that package for parsers (argparse.ArgumentParser objects), and connects, names, and converts those parsers into subcommands based on the package structure.

Package -> CLI
commands/unary/ mycli unary negate ...
commands/binary/ mycli binary add ...
commands/binary/ -> mycli binary divide ...
commands/binary/ mycli binary multiply ...
commands/binary/ mycli binary subtract ...

All it needs is for each module to define a module-level parser variable which points to an instance of argparse.ArgumentParser.


  • Small - The magic happens in a single file
  • Simple API - Structure commands however you like, then call multicommand.create_parser(...)
  • Dependency-free - You need python 3.6+, and that's it!

A happy by-product of multicommand being small and depedency-free is that it's even portable. Don't want add an additional dependency? Grab, drop in in your project, and use it like any other module. (Not a huge fan of this option, but it can be done)


I like argparse. It's flexible, full-featured and it's part of the standard library, so if you have python you probably have argparse. I also like the "subcommand" pattern, i.e. one root command that acts as an entrypoint and subcommands to group related functionality. Of course, argparse can handle adding subcommands to parsers, but it's always felt a bit cumbersome, especially when there are many subcommands with lots of nesting.

If you've ever worked with technologies like Next.js or oclif (or even if you haven't) there's a duality between files and objects. For Next.js each file under pages/ maps to a webpage, in oclif each module under commands/ maps to a CLI command. And that's the basic premise for multicommand: A light-weight package that lets you write one parser per file, pretty much in isolation, and it handles the wiring, exploiting the duality between command structure and file system structure.