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Basic Usage

We're going to create a small CLI with a single (deeply-nested) greet command/function:

<mycli> topic cmd subcmd greet ...

<mycli> is the placeholder for the name of the executable (in this case it's just going to end up being python -m mypkg.cli). topic is a command (we're already 1 level deep!). cmd is a subcommand of topic. subcmd is a subcommand of cmd (sub-subcommand of topic). Finally, greet is our actual function.

Normally we would need a fair bit of boilerplate to wire this up, but we'll see how multicommand makes this super easy.


Create a directory to work in, for example:

mkdir ~/multicommand-sample && cd ~/multicommand-sample

Install multicommand:

python3 -m venv ./venv
source ./venv/bin/activate
python3 -m pip install multicommand

Create the subpackage to house our parsers:

mkdir -p mypkg/parsers/topic/cmd/subcmd

That's a long path. Feel free to skip over this note and continue, but if you're perplexed by this directory structure here's a high-level explanation:

Part of that path should already be looking familiar. (The topic/cmd/subcmd part - that's no coicidence!) Basically, mypkg is the name of what will become our installable package (i.e. we'll eventually be able to import mypkg).

The folder mypkg/parsers is going to be a sub-package (i.e it's going to contain an file - in fact, all these folders will be sub-packages). This sub-package (mypkg.parsers) will be the thing that we pass to multicommand, from which we'll get our configured argparse.ArgumentParser instance.

As for the remaining folders, multicommand will use those to create the command hierarchy that we're after.

Create the *.py files we'll need.

touch mypkg/
touch mypkg/parsers/
touch mypkg/parsers/topic/
touch mypkg/parsers/topic/cmd/
touch mypkg/parsers/topic/cmd/subcmd/{,}

The code#

First, add a parser to

import argparse
# using this handler we'll be able to tell this parser how to "handle itself"
def handler(args):
greeting = f'Hello, {}!'
print(greeting.upper() if args.shout else greeting)
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(
description='Show a greeting',
parser.add_argument('name', help='Name to use in greeting')
parser.add_argument('--shout', action='store_true', help='Yell the greeting')
parser.set_defaults(handler=handler) # link the handler to this parser/command

Second, add an entrypoint (this is the module we'll run from the command line):

touch mypkg/

with the following content:

import multicommand
from mypkg import parsers
def main():
# pass the module 'mypkg.parsers' to multicommand for it to make us a parser
parser = multicommand.create_parser(parsers)
args = parser.parse_args()
if hasattr(args, 'handler'):
return args.handler(args)
if __name__ == "__main__":

Third, there is no third step! Let's try it out!

$ python3 -m mypkg.cli
usage: [-h] [command] ...
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit

Take a look at our greet command:

$ python3 -m mypkg.cli topic cmd subcmd greet --help
usage: topic cmd subcmd greet [-h] [--shout] name
Show a greeting
positional arguments:
name Name to use in greeting
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
--shout Yell the greeting (default: False)

From this we get:

$ python3 -m mypkg.cli topic cmd subcmd greet "World"
Hello, World!
$ python3 -m mypkg.cli topic cmd subcmd greet --shout "World"


Want to add the command <mycli> topic cmd ungreet ... to say goodbye?

Add the module:

touch mypkg/parsers/topic/cmd/

Notice that since we want to create the command <mycli> topic cmd ungreet ... we're creating the module <sub-pkg-that-we'll-pass-to-multicommand>/topic/cmd/, where in this case <sub-pkg-that-we'll-pass-to-multicommand> is mypkg/parsers/

with contents:

import argparse
def handler(args):
print(f'Goodbye, {}!')
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description='Show an un-greeting')
parser.add_argument('name', help='Name to use in un-greeting')

The new command is automatically added!:

$ python3 -m mypkg.cli topic cmd --help
usage: topic cmd [-h] [command] ...
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
ungreet Show an un-greeting

Try it out:

$ python3 -m mypkg.cli topic cmd ungreet "World"
Goodbye, World!